How to Find Browsing History Of Facebook [Delete it]

First, we will see how you can find the browsing history on your Android devices. To find your browsing history, follow the steps below. 1. Open the
How to Find Browsing History Of Facebook [Delete it]

You searched for something on Facebook but now want to delete your browsing history so no one can see what you searched for on Facebook. Stay tuned to this article because I will show you how you can delete your browsing history. It's a little tricky to find, but don't worry, you don't have to find it. I will help you find that you just need to read this article properly.

Below you will find a tutorial for all three devices: iPhone, Android, and Desktop.

How to Find Browsing History Of Facebook (Android)

First, we will see how you can find the browsing history on your Android devices.

To find your browsing history, follow the steps below.

1. Open the Facebook app from the app drawer.

2. Now you will find a hamburger menu in the top right corner of the app.

Hamburger menu

3. Scroll down to the bottom and tap on the settings & privacy option. After tapping on the settings option, you will see the settings option tap on that.


4. In the settings Window, search for the activity log option and tap on that.

Activity Log

5. You will find the Logged action & other activities option in the activity log option. Tap on the drop-down button beside the option of Logged action & other activities.

Logged Actions

6. From the drop-down option, select the search history option.

Search History

After tapping on the search history option, you can see all the search history.

Deleting the Search History

Tap on the clear search history option to delete all your search history or to delete specific search history tap on three dots, then tap on delete to delete the particular history.

How to Find Browsing History Of Facebook (iPhone)

Now it's time for the iPhone.

1. Open the Facebook app from the app browser of the iPhone.

2. Tap on the hamburger menu from the bottom right corner of the app.

3. Scroll down and click on the settings and privacy option, then the setting option.

Settings & Privacy

4. In settings, please search for the activity log option and tap on it.

Activity Log

5. You will find the Logged action & other activities option in the activity log option. Tap on the drop-down button beside the option of Logged action & other activities.

Logged Action & other Activity

6. From the drop-down option, select the search history option.

Search History

Deleting the Search History

Afterward, you will find all the search history; to delete your search history, tap on clear search history, or to delete specific search history, tap on three dots, then tap on delete; it will delete your specific

How to Find Browsing History Of Facebook (PC)

Now it's time for the PC nerds.

1. Launch any browser, preferably Chrome.

2. Search for

3. Ensure that you are logged in.

4. Tap the profile icon in the upper right corner.

5. Then click on the settings and privacy options.

Activity Log

6. Then click on the activity log option.

Activity Log

7. You will find the Logged action & other activities option in the activity log option. Tap on the drop-down button beside the option of Logged action & other activities.

Search History

8. From the drop-down option, select the search history option.  

Then, you will find all the search history; to delete your search history, tap on clear search history, or to delete specific search history, tap on three dots, then tap on delete; it will delete your specific

After reading this, I hope you'll be able to find the browsing history of your Facebook account. If you have any questions or have any difficulties finding the history or deleting it, please leave them in the comments section. I will undoubtedly respond to your inquiry.

Please share the tutorial on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Whatsapp if you found it useful. I appreciate you reading.