How To Reply To Messages On Instagram

Want to reply to a specific message on Instagram just like WhatsApp but can't able to do it. Let's find out how you can reply message. 1. Open the app
Reply To Messages On Instagram

Want to reply to a specific message on Instagram just like WhatsApp but can't able to do it. Let's find out how you can reply message. 

How To Reply To Messages On Instagram

1. Open the Instagram app.

Instagram App

2. Swipe right to open the direct message tab.

3. Tap on any chat in which you have to reply message.

Chat In Instagram

4. Drag any message to the right. 

Quick Reply Option

And that's it! You can write whatever you want to say about that message.

Why can't I reply to some messages on Instagram?

If your Instagram message feature is not updated, you will not be able to reply to messages on Instagram.

How to Update Messaging on Instagram

To update the messenger feature 

Note: This feature may be unavailable for countries located in Europe

1. Open the Instagram App.

2. Tap on the profile icon from the bottom of the app.

3. Tap on the three-line menu, then tap on the Settings option.

4. Lastly, click on the Update message.