

Saquib Shaikh

Hey there, my name is Saquib Shaikh. I am the owner of this blog, Tech Solution. I write articles about technology, and I love blogging very much.

Let me share with you my blogging journey and where I started from.

My journey of blogging started when I watched a YouTube video related to blogging, but I did not react at that time because I thought it was not for me and I couldn't write anything.

In 2019, my laptop's windows was corrupted, and I am trying to find a way to repair it, but I can't find it. Then, after experimenting many times, I found a way that I didn't find on the internet anywhere. So, as I had already heard about blogging, suddenly I thought I could start a blog and post this unique way on it, because it is very different from others. I started a blog on Blogger after writing a blog post on that topic. I was very impressed, and I like the process of writing, as I am a technology enthusiast. I started writing about technology and whatever I knew, and it is still going on.

Thank you for reading my short story about me. Lastly, my main goal is to make this blog very successful. I hope you'll take a small part in my success as a viewer, thank you 

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