What is your Disqus short name? How to find it?

What is your Disqus short name? How to find it?

What is your Disqus short name? How to find it?

Disqus is a networked community platform and is used by thousands of websites and blogs. It is mainly used because of its rich comment system, which is integrated with social platforms.

You may have created your account in Disqus. However, you are unable to locate your short name while installing Disqus.

Let me first explain what a short name is. As per disqus, a short name is a unique identifier assigned to a website. Using a short name makes it easier for Disqus to identify particular websites. The form will load the comments based on the short name. 

Let's get started with the tutorial. 

1) Login with your account.

Login Disqus

2) Click on Admin from the top right corner.

Admin Panel

3) Click on Edit Settings from the corner.

Edit settings option

4) Choose the blog you wish to see a short name on.

Select website option disqus

General Tab Disqus

You will already see a general option selected after choosing the blog; scroll down and find the short name. And that's it, your short name is there. 

I am Saquib Shaikh, a professional writer with 3 years of experience in writing social media how-tos. I am also an avid reader and a social media helper.

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